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About US

A brief background of mine, Born and brought up in Tirupati,A.P, did my Engineering in Computer Science, moved to USA 20 years back in search of job and i have been working as software engineer in wide range of software languages and systems for past 20 years, My Hobbies are walking in woods, Camping in state parks, watching movies, learning about space science, visiting temples, attending music parties (kirtan's), reading Srila Prabhupad books and relishing prasad. I Love both Bharat(India) and USA, both are like 2 eyes for me, the most lovable thing about american's is they very decent people with ethics and morality, I went to some crash courses on fine arts in local community college, now i am doing freelancing in software industry and me and my beloved wife  started manufacturing fine arts in USA and manufacturing agarbhatti's in India, My family back in Guntur, A.P maintains a small Ghoshala(Cow protection) since 10 years, cows are taken good care personally by my own father-in-law, we are maintaining goshala with out any donations, so we started making agarbatti's to make our goshala self sustained, in future we have a plan to make house cleaning solutions using go-mutra(cow urine). I have a seperate blog on how we make agarbatti's.

The prime motive of our business is to create a market for artists in Bharat(India) in USA/CANADA/Mexico, People in North American continent have trouble finding good devotional paintings, they buy picture frame in Bharat and pack it with great struggle and it breaks in the transit and after going through all the hurdles, they incur lot of loss in time, energy and money, i did all research in classical arts, i went to to lot places across Bharat, i talk to artist, i socialize with them, i know the quality of work, lot of times people who don't have much art knowledge they can be easily cheated, also all the artist sell only the art work aka painting, they don't know how to put matching mat board, quality acrylic sheet and most important thing is authentic wood framing, so i buy good patachitra paintings from award winning artists in Odissha, Tanjore paintings from Tamilnadu, Madhubani paintings from Bihar, Kallamkari paintings from A.P and decorate them with matching mat board, matching wood frame, glass/acrylic sheet and sell them at reasonable price(Compared bringing those paintings from Bharat and framing in USA, Framing in Michaels or any custom frame store or online store, they all are very very expensive).


I noticed Artists in Bharat have lot of skilled work, but they didn't got much recognition on the international platform, they are some American art lovers know about them, but general mass have no information about them, in the western world a meaningless abstract can be sold at high price, where for example Patachitra artist makes beautiful hand painted art with all long lasting vegetable colors have very very small market in America, where Indian's  them self's don't know anything about their own culture, always running after western arts and culture. But the world is coming to it's senses now, for example few decades back western world invented growing crops using Nitrogen/Phosphorus/Potassium/Pesticides, educated people used make fun of farmers who do organic farming using bulls and it's gobar, infact Whole Bharat is after using fertilizers/pertisides now after experiences all kind of health problems, now people are turning back to Organic farming grown crops using Gobhar(cow dung) compost, pachagavya rather fertilizers and pesticides. I call this perfect self-realization.

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